More than insurance - Transformation dilemmas

The transformation dilemmas in an "old" industry and beyond...

Dilemma 1.: Structure vs. Strategy how NETFLIX would do it?
Dilemma 1.: Structure vs. Strategy how NETFLIX would do it?


I always loved to watch sci-fi movies, learn about new technologies and new models. In the last decades, many things have happened thanks to the digitalization boom. It is always interesting to think what the main drivers of this new area could be.

A lot of new models have grown up recently, which are redefining existing industries. Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Transferwise, Airbnb are just a few examples. It is always interesting to think about how they are organizing themselves and how they ...

More than insurance - Transformation dilemmas

We are in the middle of the insurance industry transformation. We have already learned a lot what is working, what is not. It is all about people and strategic calls! Here I will share our management success and challenges…

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